I am not completely sure what cosmic bodies were in motion last Thursday but I am glad to be in this part of the world. After a very relatively hectic couple of days thinking, walking and talking like business people its nice to be in the calming surrounds of Sihanoukville and Serendipity beach.

I must explain my lovely wife has been doing most of the talking like a business person. As a writer it is important to observe and perform an objective role. Like science even the mere observation of said interactions can change the outcome of the experiment. Our tentative forays into the fields of free trade and third world commerce should be spared from as much of my comedy as possible.

That is not to say I have not found aspects of Cambodia thoroughly hilarious. Much like Laos there are all manner of organic herb supplement pushers and incredibly descriptive menus with outlandish effects.

Watching a rather large Elephant take on rush hour traffic in Phnom Penh yesterday morning was a sight to behold. I do not think Elephants are particularly responsive to car horns.

Organised crime and corruption are very apparent here. A simple yardstick for how corrupt a police officer is by how fat they are. The fatter they are the more likely they are to be receiving bribes. Of course if you need the police to help you with crime you need to pay them to help you as well.

Still it is all part of the experience. I look forward to sharing with you what we are up to. Strictly business of course.




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