Its not actually my birthday today. But it is still a momentous occasion. Today the sun moves in to Aquarius and for the next month I and other water bearers will probably be slightly more cocky and self assured in an endearingly strange way.

Personally I think celebrating your birth month instead of just your birthday is a great idea. It allows you and your friends multiple occasions to sing happy birthday. If you are like me and have a partner with the same star sign you get to double these occasions.

I hope you all have a splendid month. Please do not panic you see a large hippopotamus trundling down the highway being chased by a herd of geese. It is probably a birthday present.

1 reply
  1. Nez
    Nez says:

    I just don’t think there is enough joy in a person to actually properly celebrate their birth month for a whole 30 days, I personally don’t think I’d have it in me, one day is more than enough. It makes it feel more special when it’s just one day don’t you think?


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