I have been meaning to write about El Fuerte’s incredible blog which he types with his killer feet. You can read it here.
The really great thing about it if you are a Cowboy Espanol speaker like myself is that it translates quite well with Google translate. It is humorous and informative.
Of course I will not take any credit for his blog but it is a nice coincidence he is writing one now.
Speaking of nice coincidences we left for Nice to day to start our season proper. We will pick up some guests tommorow and be flat tack until September. I was determined to have a good day so when my mind wanders to dark subjects I have been forcing myself to start thinking positive thoughts.
This has worked really well, so well that who should appear on the boat next door as we were leaving? El Fuerte. This made Anna and I really happy and it was great to see him for a few minutes.
See you again El Fuerte!
He really is a super hero.
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