Knock knock.

It’s been a while. Some major page turning in my life underway at the moment and I will share that with you shortly. In the mean time I thought I would share an incredible insomnia cure which helps when you have more than a few thoughts on the mind.

For the past year I have been using Karl Pilkington to speak me a lullaby in his deliciously flat Manchurian accent when I can not sleep.

Who is Karl Pilkington?

Well, he was unearthed by Ricky Gervais and Steven Merchant when they used to have a radio show. He quickly went from being the producer to the star of the show with his dead pan observations on the world at large and small.

You can collect the original podcasts on iTunes

Given the hilarious content it might be hard to sleep, especially if you have not had the pleasure of listening before.

For a more raw stronger dose I recommend using the original XFM episodes which can be freely found on youtube.

With the original shows you get increasing amounts of Karl which you can use to treat even the most severe case of Insomnia.

A small warning with increased use you may find yourself walking up when there is no Karl Pilkington playing. So set up a playlist and enjoy your sleep.

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