I was with my last job for about three years. This is close to a record. I have always been very whimsical when it comes to employment. I put this down to being terrible at negotiating better conditions and having an internal countdown clock. When I worked ashore it was about two years . Yachting has been about one year. Basically if you ever employ me. Make sure you look after me or else one day I might just vanish. Often spoken about and never to be seen again.

Having had my anchor down for so long. It is nice to be on the move again. Fresh vistas intoxicate. However, it is the little things that make all the difference.

Firstly flying to Tahiti.

I love Air New Zealand. Warning. When flying to French Polynesia; the French Language, laissez faire attitude and island time will slow you down. Tahiti also attracts a certain type of passenger. Let me be blunt.


I was soon surrounded some increasingly decrepit creatures. This might be because I elected to squander an upgrade on this relatively short trip. My row was filled with cosmetically bludgeoned old ladies trying to outdo each other with weird movies. Art house torture porn (custom genre I think) either side of me I soon wanted to bludgeon myself.

4 hours and twenty minutes later I had landed. It was the comical landing I expected. We were herded down stairs onto sticky tarmac and happy faces. Given my relative able bodiedness I sliced through baggage and customs and was soon on board my new home.

And it is here where we must engage radio silence. I can’t talk about anything………………………………………………………

But there must be something?


I do like there is a smart device ban when you are working, eating meals and generally being Human. Already I feel quite at home and have engaged in some quite far reaching conversations. It all feels very adult. The very things you are probably reading this blog on have changed social situations irrevocably I fear.

We have a day each week where the Crew do a little outing. It’s just a couple of hours in the morning. But it’s a nice touch and I might see a bit more outside than I would typically.

These workplaces by nature have to be incredibly organised. This one is impeccably so. Everything has a place and things that are not in places are quickly disintegrated, recycled and reconstituted.

To get in the spirit of things. I reorganised one of my storage areas so all the crew can get involved helping me to boringise it again.

So here we are. I look forward to sharing more filtered nonsense.

I got asked last night after dinner what I liked to do. I had a moment to pause and replied.

“Well….. I like writing.”

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