Have you ever woken up before your mind and body? I did yesterday. Silvis 3:10 am alarm was pulsing on the bedside table. I pleasantly let her know it was time to wake up. Half an hour later my body and mind had worked out something was up. Our trip to Italy was unfolding.

Barcelona airport was waking up as well. The two security points became eight whilst we queued and we were soon enough drinking Starbucks and waiting to board our plane. Thankfully it was Vueling. Vueling know how to load up a plane with passengers and how to smoothly get them off. I was soon asleep and woke as we started our descent into the Venice airport. 

Venice has a special allure, given its prominence in Film and pop culture. The history is notable. The ingenuity of the Venetian’s allowed them to use a lagoon as a moat. Place huge buildings and industry on top of petrified wooden piles. The wealth, location and security allowed for continuous civic harmony for over 1000 years.  

After a short bus ride we were at the central train station where we left our luggage and got on the wrong boat. Instead of heading towards the Saint Marco square we circumnavigated the entirety of Venice. This allowed me to marvel at the seeming chaotic array of water taxis, buses, couriers, gondola and utility vessels.

We eventually made landfall and successfully escaped the throngs of selfie obsessed tourists. Venice has banned cruise ships and instigated a small charge for visiting on weekends. If you are creative and patient you can still enjoy quiet periods in a busy place.

We found a nice quiet restaurant for lunch. It was so quiet we managed to leave without paying. Thankfully one of the waiters chased us down and we apologetically settled the bill.

We then made our way to the Grand Palace of Doge.

Not to be mistaken with the grand meme of 2013.

The interior was suitably overwhelmingly opulent. Not many design ideas that tickled my castle building goals.

Here is an impressive family tree of the rulers of Doge.

On our way out we got some neat views of the outside through the adjoining prison corridor.

We caught our last water bus of the day and made our connecting train to Verona. I may have dozed again. Our hotel is stunning. Only Italians could make mustard yellow appear classy.

We are here for the Opera at the colosseum this evening. We had a nice dinner looking at said colosseum. Today is Silvis birthday. We have some therapeutic shopping planned. Some gelato tasting and we will try and catch some of the football between Spain and Germany. Silvi can not lose.

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