The trip to Koh Tao was a treacherous affair. Neptune had decided to burp up a storm which took a bit of weathering on the ferry ride. It was with some relief we sighted the turtle island. We navigated the throng of helpful people and came across a delightful mother and son offering portage. The son encapsulated the excellence that is Thai hospitality. Not only did he help to push our suitcases up a large hill which was brilliant. He pointed out his mothers ute with no difficulty. He then pointed out the ute tray handles and gave us the most incredible smiles!
I am going underwater for inspiration. This Tuesday I will start a 4 day PADI open water scuba diving course. Ever the thorough researcher I have been using the local pond to acclimatise myself.
Yes that is a multi terraced pond. Yes it has loungers. Yes it has a pond attendant. Who would have thought?