With the second month of the year starting in record time I thought it would be a good time to write down some personal goals for the year. I am not really a fan of resolutions, resolutions are for smokers and the overweight.

Firstly a tale of poor maths and accounting.

I have had a few ideas kicking around in my head for a book/novel of sorts. I would like to get cracking on this. This morning after filling my muscles with blood(exercising) and therefore draining my brain of reasonable thought I earnestly thought if I wrote a couple of pages each week for the rest of the year I would have a book worth reading at the end of it.

Sadly weeks =/ days.

A 700 page book is far more preferable to a 100 page book.

So I have readjusted this. 5-6 pages a week.

Secondly in a more vain vein.

I am getting tantalizingly close to attaining a six pack. Six packs are incredibly hard to achieve unless you are genetically predisposed to them. I have been doing some research and the only thing stopping me is about three extra cardio sessions a week. This is a short term goal. I do not know how the Mediterranean diet is going to affect me. I also do not know the physiological benefits of hoisting anchors and scrubbing decks.


I think I would like to do some more Scuba diving if leisure time permits and maybe coerce my wife into underwater adventuring. Scuba was a highlight of last year and given I am going to be on the sea for the foreseeable future it would be incredibly rude not to enjoy the ocean’s full spectrum.

Finally if my posts seem to have even more self indulgence than is usual. I can not apologise; nevertheless I have an excellent quote that I would like to share.

They’re fancy talkers about themselves, writers. If I had to give young writers advice, I would say don’t listen to writers talk about writing or themselves”

— Lillian Hellman

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