Today fellow luminaries of the internet we are going to talk about Firefox 3.0. Please be aware, I have been holed up at home for the last week so the inspiration levels have been lacking. Funny story though, I leapt out of the house to get some filing boxes yesterday and the checkout attendant commented on how good my nails looked. Of course she wasn’t going to comment on my slippers and pyjama pants. But guess what? I was colour coordinated.
Anyway, Firefox 3.0 came out of beta today and it seems like a wholesome well adjusted browser. I have successfully updated my EEE-PC with it and I like it. It has plenty of neat things going for it. I like the new look and it feels a bit more robust. Using a browser on a small screened machine like the EEE-PC means every pixel is important.
Let me show a few screens of what you do when you have a EEE-PC.
This first picture is my standard desktop.
That is a screen size of 800×480. I hide my task bar when I am not using it. I have a few icons on my desktop but its reasonably spartan.
This is how I use Firefox at the moment.
I hide the file.edit,view menus.
I use an add on called personal menu which places all of my menus into some buttons on the right hand side.
If you look at my bookmarks bar you will see that only the icons are shown unless I mouse over them. This is done with an add on called smart bookmarks bar
Bewarned if you are going to upgrade to Firefox 3.0 you will lose your bookmarks. Make a backup of them first. Note, you might find some of your favourite addons are not compatible with Firefox 3.0 yet.
Blogwise. I have been going back and rewriting previous posts. Anna is acting as an editor for my writing as well. I have been known to rush things out the door before. I think I was a factory worker in wartime russia during a past life.
Thanks for the kind words loyal fans. In the space of 24 hours I have had one person email saying how much they enjoy reading my blog. I have also had another person email saying they enjoyed not reading my blog but also voiced support at the same time.