In case you had not noticed I am a devout geek and technology enthusiast. Periodically I come across things that make my life easier and I feel obligated to tell as many people as possible. Unfortunately there are not many people within yelling range at the moment so I am left with the slightly impersonal INTERNET to share my excitement.

Please note this information is for people chained to the Microsoft way of life.

Windows has a curious way of managing installed programs. It gets really strange when programs are not uninstalled correctly or are damaged. Windows can think software still remains even when you have deleted files, attacked the registry, sworn and made aggravated gesticulations at your screen. I know this because it is exactly what I was doing about two hours ago.

Fear yea not, I have found a fantastic tool which takes care of things so you do not need to. Using this tool should free you from ever having to read and follow a lengthy uninstall guide.

The tool is called Revo uninstaller and it is a breeze to use. Strangely enough it does not come with an installer. Poetic justice, the best kind.

If that all sounds a bit hardcore for your computing tastes. I would like to add you will look and sound incredibly smart when you suggest it to your designated family computer expert the next time they visit. Just try it.