You may have noticed a bright red button on the left hand side of the page now. A quick scrutiny of my statistics shows the average time you the esteemed reader spend reading this incredible stuff is about 5 minutes per visit. A simple click of that red button during your visit will bring about numerous health benefits.

-Quality music dished up digitally through the wonders of the internet.
-Instant office credibility even when you are in the depths of Zurich.
-Get your New Zealand accent fix anytime of the day.
-Repeated clicking of your mouse is good for your disposition.
-Your household and office plants will grow bigger.
-Your hair and nails will shine like never before.

disclaimer: some of the rewards for listening to UPFM might not actually be true but we will blame that on the internet.

2 replies
  1. Nez
    Nez says:

    At first I thought Dan was full of it but then low and behold my pot plant grew a full inch and I realised my fingernails looked positively delightful! Thanks Dan!

  2. ssssaid
    ssssaid says:

    love the banner hun! so you 🙂

    And our pop plant (you remember the one) is now rebirthing it itself from the depths of undermusicated agony – just by the click of one red button. Hair shiny too.
    Look forward to your return mwah!!


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