As of Monday my work less existence comes to an end. The all consuming finding employment turnstile has spun its last turn. To be bluntly honest finding a job after a three month hiatus has been hard work. Compounding the difficulty has been an earnest attempt to re acquaint myself with good friends and family, expand my ever increasing repertoire of formidable party tricks and become more beautiful each day.
At one of my interviews yesterday I was told that the New Zealand job market is as tough as it was in 1987 and 1991. Therefore I do have some tips that might help earnest job hunters in a trying market.
-Follow up every application with a phone call
-Trust your gut
-Do not get bullied into interviews by pushy consultants
-Clean your shoes, teeth and vocabulary
-When being interviewed by two people make a joke about getting both barrels at the start of the interview
-Hypnotize do not antagonize
So hooray for me. Please leave congratulatory comments. Click the Google ads as well for good measure.
The second part of the Litany of Scams trilogy has hit travelfish. You can find it here….
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