I am not a fan of unknowns but will try and write the next week as best I can.

We are trying to find someone to take over the remaining week of rent in our apartment in Juan Les Pins. Once the apartment goes we will bunny hop the way to Livorno by train. It is usually an eight hour train ride and as I have some computer work to do on the way it seems best to hit a few ports on the way up.

On Sunday I am going to be working for seven days on a 37 metre Benetti motor yacht which is going into dry dock for a week. Benetti is a famous brand of Italian boat. They are good looking, have smooth lines and are a bit quirky. A bit like me really.

This is work from our fantastic Australian hook up. I am going to get a cabin to stay in which is very rare for day workers. This should keep costs down. Anna should be getting some work as well.

Odd. Just as I was writing this blog entry we have been offered some work in Naples for Saturday. We get to stay on the boat on Saturday night. Naples is a monster journey. Its probably a full Nintendo DS charge and half a book long.

We would have to go through Rome. Bummer.

Anyway must dash. Bags to pack ect.

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