Yesterday I wrote a fantastic piece describing my incredible first day of public transport, the amazing building I work in and the fresh commencement of a regular job.
Today was less eventful. I had the solitary joy of zig zagging the streets during my lunch break and dodging various nefarious coupon pushers.
It was on my return home that there was a rather large altercation with a spurned passenger. Underneath the bass of my head phones I could hear the chap describing being almost run over by the previous express bus and a wide selection of choice cuss words. The passenger continued his tirade for a period of 4-5 minutes before he stormed onto the bus and announced loudly that he would be speaking with its owners. It was thoroughly humorous and annoying at the same time. The truly strange thing was that I found myself wondering what it would be like to run over someone like that in a bus.
Probably pretty choice.
That sounds highly amusing. You need to record these interactions for a more immersive experience for your followers.
Would you believe I have a Dictaphone on my keyring now?
I just have to remember to use it!