A couple of years ago, with a wry smile I coined the phrase partner phone envy. My wife had purchased a new phone and it was more feature complete and looked smarter than mine. Being a keen gadgeteer I was aggrieved and manipulated my finances so I could purchase a newer swisher phone.

Fast forward to last year and my wife again upgraded her phone to an iPhone. I was content to sit on my then current phone. Mysteriously it disappeared in Thailand and on our return to New Zealand I was able to upgrade my phone (it has twice the capacity of her phone, therefore is better)

Strangely her phone has developed a fault and I have promised her that we will upgrade it in June when the new iPhones hit the market. Now I am left pondering how I can slyly upgrade my phone and not seem like a jealous guy who can’t handle his significant other having a better gadget.

A thickening plot.

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