If you have been wondering of my whereabouts please continue reading.

We began our Charter last Wednesday and finished up on Saturday. Our charter guests were eight largely lovely American ladies from New York. I did a lot of tender driving following the yacht. This was actually quite cool. I had a full chilly bin, auxiliary input on the very loud stereo and I even had auto pilot.

If you look at my hastily modified map you can see; I drove from Nice, to St Tropez to Cannes and then to our final resting place, Monaco. More about that later.

One of the funnier things to happen during our charter happened at St Tropez when our guests were ashore. We have two very powerful jet-skis and our Captain has been itching to ride one for as long as he has been aboard. Our guests were to ride one when they got back and the Captain wanted to make sure it was working properly, and to show off. What followed was a very scary demonstration on how not to ride a jetski. He neglected to wear a kill cord, fell off and our jet ski went off to terrorise other boats unmanned like a yellow and black surface missile. Our tender was hurriedly manned and set off to recover the jet ski. Thankfully no stupidly wealthy people were harmed in the making of this story.

The rest of the charter was largely uneventful and we spent our last night in Monaco. With the guests safely ashore dining in a far away restaurant the fine city of Monaco put on a fantastic fireworks display worthy of a dragon. So captivated by the fireworks, I recorded a three minute long video which is far to large to put up on the internet (75 megabytes). Please enjoy this smaller version (3 megabyte). The larger version shall reside on my computer until I put out a DVD or movie.

We have spent the rest of the week in Monaco and I freely admit still having an affinity for the place. From the immaculate cars, to the silly white pants and the walks of shame by large breasted women. Monaco is hardly dull. It is however still stupidly expensive. My fellow crew members managed to blow their tips on one night out. Luckily my finely honed homing system kicked in well before I went broke in a bar. The summer sales are on you see.

I got to see my Wife last night which was a bonus. I received comments pertaining to the whereabouts of my blog updates. Obviously these comments had the desired affect.

Tonight I will be attending the Rivera comedy club with my crew. Well versed in the mechanisations of laughing aloud. I think it shall be rather neat. 

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