More than a little bit late I have adopted Google chrome as a browser. I have been a bit lucky recently having the luxury of a work desktop, home desktop, iPhone and my faithful EEE. This is all set to change in April however and I have been trying to think of clever ways to maximise my net time in France.
Installing Google chrome on my EEE allows me to run it parallel with Firefox and not interrupt my wifes Firefox session. For the most part Google chrome appearss to be a capable browser. It has a sleek appearance and seems to work ok on my tricked out EEE 800×600 display. Its snapshot features are a nice addition and it feels like a browser doing all of the right things. Until a few things are fixed I am not ready to make a complete change.
-Limited preferences
-No plugin support
-No dictionaries
I know this entry has not been particularly amusing or interesting to many of you but I am suffering a horrible predicament. My current abode has been invaded by a gaggle of females and I needed to write my way out of the lounge.
In my opinion, Google Chrome does not fit well with high-end users.
(Especially Firefox users)
Tell me about it 🙂 I diligently typed out my post in chrome then realised….
I could not add a picture. I could not use any special formatting. I could not post or save my entry….
Nice lava lava 😛