Facebook followers may have read I had a nightmare finish to my Palma trip. In the interest of preserving the space time continuum and sanity I will write about that at a later date. 

I arrived in Palma at about 11pm on Friday the 13th. As is often the case I received priority treatment due to me not having an EU passport. When flying in and out of the UK I always find it faster having a New Zealand passport. Kiwis make better flyers and even worse terrorists or something.

My first impressions of Palma that it was sufficiently Spanish, favourably warm and definitely lively. I found my hotel quite easily and busied myself getting ready for a night out. My night out consisted of a romantic tapas bar crawl for one. I could not contact my friend who was having a birthday party. Her birthday magnum of Moet put paid to that. Retiring to my mildly opulent hotel I was asleep before 1am and looking forward to further adventuring.

Despite my best efforts my Spanish remains middling at best. I was reminded this on my tapas bar crawl the evening before. I am happy to say that I feel quite at home at a buffet breakfast inside a hotel. It was here that I unearthed one of my first Palma discoveries. Palma has a high tourist and resident population of Germans. There is a very obvious reason for this. Given potent history large tracts of Europe remain unfriendly to Germany. I am of course talking about last years Eurovison song contest. The Spanish are so relaxed they were actually  asleep during the contest hence they still freely allow Germans through and inside their borders.

My accommodation was quite close to the city centre. This did not stop me from going on a goose chase of sorts where I ended up strolling a large and prominent promenade. There were a lot of marinas with pleasure boats galore and I almost caught myself saying to imaginary people “I work on one of those”

The rest of my weekend was very Palmarisan. I sunned myself beside a rooftop pool with friends. I dined on all y0u can eat Sushi for 8 euros. I drank mojito’s and dodged night time sunglass salesmen. On the Sunday I moved into an apartment with a couple of friends Debs and Heather closer to the old town. My Sunday afternoon was spent soaking up high density living beside a nunnery. If you want to live somewhere quiet. Live beside a nunnery.

Monday through Wednesday were the business days of my trip. I got down and got radiated, learning about gyro stabilised antennae systems and a whole bundle of cool stuff. Unfortunately large tracts of photographic evidence of my week away are now lost. This will be explained in my next blog.

On the Wednesday we had a small soiree/dinner party. Heather cooked up a delicious dish. Debs had a couple of friends over and I played my first ever DJ set to more than 2 people . The dinner and mixing were both very palatable. This may had something to do with the five bottles of wine that were bought from the local Wine Cave. A neat place where you can fill empty wine bottles straight out of the barrels for about 2 euro a bottle. If you want to live somewhere rowdy. Live beside a wine cave.

If I was to sum up the small slice of Palma I witnessed. It is definitely a place I could see myself living in. It is delightfully warm, has plenty of history and oozes charm. Whether it be the horse and carriages plying for tourist trade or the Mediterranean liveliness that begins at about 11pm Palma wants you and it wants you to have fun. 

Tune in next time for Palma “the bad bits”

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