Yesterday I moved into my new home. This was not without challenges. Even after a week of tossing things out, recycling, consolidating and air mailing things back to New Zealand I still seem to have a lot of stuff following me. I do not have my jumbo pack any more. I concede that I am far too addicted to the internet to probably ever do any serious back packing. I am a flash packer. Or a flash wheeled suitcaser.

I chose the carefully selected time of 3pm to leave Antibes. This was as the England/German game began. This way no one would mistake me for being English or German. The train I was on was bound for Paris. It had one of the bar carriages that my good friend Richard was once espoused to on a trip to Europe.

The train was fast. I was only kicked out of my seat once and I dozed serenely thinking of what the next few months will bring. I awoke with the delicious sore neck and drool encrusted face that long haul sleeping arrangements deliver all too well. I was in Toulon. Originally I was going to catch a taxi to the ferry. But with no taxis to be seen I started to drag my baggage train down the hill to the ferry terminal.

I discovered new parts of Toulon. Its high streets are abundant and very closed on a Sunday. My suitcase capsized a couple of times. I wondered if anyone has thought of adding a third wheel strut which folds down when you pull up the handle. I made it to the ferry terminal very hot and eager for some breeze. It was 5pm and 28 degrees.

Half of Italy was in the ferry terminal. The reason for this escaped me at the time. I very nearly started talking about football. But then I remembered a bus ride in Edinburgh when Anna and I were heckled by some English rugby fans over a similar incident at another world cup. I soon discovered that the Italians had visited Toulon by cruise ship. Very intrepid.

After dragging my suitcase through acres of rocks on the way to my new home; I started to wonder why I did not have my pack any more. I also wondered if you can get suitcases with all terrain tyres on them. I think in my next life I will have a magic carpet which can carry me around and all of my luggage. I will also need someone to carry my carpet for when there is a not space to use it.

When I got to my new home there was no body at home. Well at least there did not appear to be anybody. The front door was locked and no one was replying to my knocks. I sunned myself on the deck and waited….. and waited.

In a cruel dose of irony, the one and only person at home was English and watching England lose at football. I was eventually let in and I began my new job aboard a Super Yacht. I think you will read the next episode.

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