Well I safely made it across the Atlantic again. Obviously this crossing was a bit different for me. There was an absence of rinsing, sanding and watch keeping. My only excursions outside were to take part in our Atlantic crossing games and to have a swim about one day of of Barbados.

I am happy to say that things started to *click* work wise about four days ago. Strangely enough this coincided with me discovering and starting to use our Crew gym. The gym is a converted play room which has Scifi murals and a slide which descends two floors. It is the perfect place for me to exercise.

I did some freakishly admirable hacking the other day to balance one of our TV Sat domes. Without a proper weights kit I used some nuts, bolts and cable ties. This worked incredibly well, so well it will be a shame and a little bit embarrassing when a professional comes to balance it properly.

Barbados is nice enough. I had a traumatic shopping experience when I went to the local computer super store. I was not sure I was ever going to leave that part of the island. However comparing Barbados with other parts of the Caribbean it is obvious that people take pride in their houses and enjoy a good standard of living.

We got the firm word from our stand in Captain about what we can say with regards to cruising plans. All I can say for now is that i will be spending New Years and Christmas in a familiar place with at least half of Hollywood and the wealthier enclaves of Europe.

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