Hello all.

We are living in a weird world. I am thankful that I have a job and things are reasonably stable but there are no guarantees.
Preface I am not a financial advisor but if you are interested in cryptocurrencies or saving money on foreign exchange I have a couple of referral links which will help me to help you. The crypto market appears very healthy at the moment with a positive future.
I use transferwise for any payments or subscriptions that are not in my home currency. This saves me money as the exchange rates banks use are not fair. Depending on where you live you can get a debit card as well. 
Crypto I have been using Dollar Cost Averaging every month for the past few years. I have a positive investment. 
I use EasyCrypto to purchase coins. Link
My favourite exchange for trading coins is KuCoin. They have a nice App and the security is top-notch. Link,
Sharsies. A very easy way to invest in the stock market. Sign up and you will get $15 free to invest.
If you want me to write more on my blog click those links and sign up. I have a few ideas one is titled boiling frogs which sounds a lot crazier than it is 🙂
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