A sad April fools a few months early. Our GPS freaked out today and we travelled 24,000 nautical miles and ended up in the Pacific tantalisingly close to New Zealand.

Fuck New Zealand is awesome. I have been giving New Zealand a bit of thought recently. We are going home in a couple of months for much needed friends and family time. Spending Waitangi day in the middle of the Suez canal was odd.

El Fuerte has been taking a few photos. Here is a good one of me celebrating Waitangi day doing my favourite cleaning task. Polishing stainless steel.

I would never wear a cap backwards, but what the hell it was Waitangi day after all.

So we are on the way to our convoy rendevous. We have met boats going the other way so that is a good sign. I am sure things will work out sweet. We have two security dudes on board who are going to keep us safe. We have El Fuerte and we have two New Zealanders.

Bring it.

2 replies
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I´m sure everything will work out well so once again keep up the good work and learn some more swedich it helps I can assure you
    and we are looking forward to it
    Have fun
    mamma Ma

  2. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Hi Susi. I am the mother of El Fuerte.I liked the story of your day to day, and that you shared with everyone.I'm glad that you are going vessel in the sailing is also protected with El Fuerte and two New Zealanders, but I think you forgot the cook,so we said David is a man of great importance, and eventually you can running to protect you on their backs…Just kidding…But just in case,do not forget it…I look forward to your return to the computer screen to continue delighting in your stories and above all, to know that you are well. A hug for everyone and a strong cuddle for El Fuerte.


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