I felt it was about time to share some moments from the past week. It has been a week of learning and reintegrating into my double life.

Long plane flights are great opportunities for meditation as are Airports. Add public and not so public places when you have twenty minutes up your sleeve. I will never be early for anything again. Just making good use of time.

It was always going to be a little bit jarring coming into Barcelona and my job again. Luckily the good work I did at home has come with me. As I said before it hard to sum up my time at home in a couple of sentences. I did make an earnest attempt in the crew mess with one of the Deckhands. His reply was unintentionally insightful.

“So you’ve got weirder Dan”

I love this. May we all become weirder. We need more weirdness.

Anna; I regret that my time at home did not include more careful attention to washing pots and pans. I do believe in some way the universe was relaxing and contracting around me causing matter to become attached firmly to curved surfaces. I am glad I installed the horse mower to take care of the abundance of grass that was sprouting around the house.

I once tried to describe Barcelona to a couple of residents. There is so much decay/renewal/change the place seems to be in the flux of over ripeness. It is exactly three years from when I lived here for 6 months. It remains mind blowing. Such a bustle.

I have made two worthwhile excursions out of the walls of the shipyard. The first was to shoot the breeze with a Carpenter named Tudor. One thing I love about my friends is an understated ability to converse on a diverse range of topics. It is funny what pops up sometimes. Recently I have been reading about the Mayans and Tudor showed me some photos of a Mayan temple themed coffee table he had made. What a conversation piece.

My second trip was to visit an Ex Captain. He has a Pug and a new baby. Of course I asked about the Pug first. His Pug believes he is his equal and when he goes out for a walk and stops for a pint the Dog has to get on a bar stool so he can be at the same level. Self leveling Pugs I know much of these things.

There was another Captain with us and the conversation veered towards real estate. Both Captains had experienced varying degrees of unrestrained feminine peculiarities searching for homes. How proud was I to say that my Wife made a ranked spreadsheet of properties and we purchased the one at the top of our list.

It is a little strange being in Barcelona without Sam and Nancy. The are still in season mode and I fear I will not see them this year but we will see.

I have had two notable I am getting old moments in the last year. The first was discovering a large and prominent grey hair sprouting from my arm. The second was on Monday when I got my shipyard security card updated. I kept my photo from three years ago.

I have had challenges this week and I have felt old memories stir, fade and disappear. I think this is healthy.

Be a bit weirder ;-).

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